Degree in Chemical Engineering University of Mogi das Cruzes (UMC), São Paulo, Brazil
M.Sc. Oceanography Institute Oceanographic - University of São Paulo (IO-USP) Brazil
Doctoral Degree in Chemistry Institute of Chemistry - University of São Paulo (IQ-USP) Brazil.
Selected Articles:
Almeida, Gleby; Zanette, Guilherme Búrigo; Torres, João Paulo Machado; Alonso, Mariana Batha (2022):
Pesticidas organoclorados na vieira Nodipecten nodosus na Baía da Ilha Grande em Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro. Brasil.
2022 Simpósio de Bolsistas da Fiperj-FAPERJ.
Almeida, G.; Weber, R.R. (2017):
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment samples from Billings Reservoir, São Paulo – Brazil.
Accepted. Revista Ambiente & Agua: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science.
Nicholas A. Warner, Gleby Almeida (2014):
Assessment of environmental residence times for cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes.
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 35th Annual Meeting Sea to Sky: Interconnecting Ecosystems, 2014
J.R. Earle, S. Blacklocke, M. Bruen, G. Almeida and D. Keating (2011):
Integrating the Implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive and Floods Directive in Ireland.
14th International Conference, IWA Diffuse Pollution Specialist Group: Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication -Selected papers from the 14th International Conference of the IWA Diffuse Pollution Specialist Group, DIPCON 2010, 316-324
J. R. Earle, S. Blacklocke, M. Bruen, G. Almeida and D. Keating (2011):
Integrating the implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive and Floods Directive in Ireland.
Water Science & Technology 2011| 64.10 | 2044 -2051
J. R. Earle, G. Almeida (2010):
EU Water Framework Directive – River Basin Management Planning in Ireland.
Environ. Eng. Res. 2010 J, 15(2): 105-109
Almeida, G. A.; Weber, R. R. (2005):
Fármacos na Represa Billings - Revista Saúde e Ambiente.
Health and Environment Journal 2005, V.6 N.2 pp.7, 13
Conference Contributions:
30th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry – ISEAC,
07. - 08. März 2020, Espoo/Finnland
Almeida, G. A.; Weber, R. R.: Determination of Organic Compounds in Natural Waters in the Billings Reservoir(São Paulo, Brazil) by SPE Technique.
VI Congresso Internacional de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa,
Almeida, G. A.; Weber, R. R. Pesticidas em Sedimento Estuarino.
III Simpósio Internacional de Oceanografia,
Almeida, G. A.; Weber, R. R. Resíduos de Pesticidas Organoclorados no Complexo Estuarino-Lagunar Iguape - Cananéia e Rio Ribeira de Iguape.
Book Published:
Substâncias Químicas Hormonalmente Ativas no Ambiente Aquático,
in: Administrando a água como se fosse importante. G. Almeida. Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade. 2005. ed. SENAC, 296p
Integrating the Implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive and Floods Directive in Ireland.,