study of Food Chemisty at the University of Hohenheim/Stuttgart
bachelor thesis at the Institute of Food Chemistry at the University of Hohenheim/Stuttgart
50. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag
September 19 - 21, 2022, Hamburg/Germany
S. Schlag, Y. Bräckle, M. Jelečević, W. Vetter: GC/MS-Untersuchung von 4,4-Dimethylsterolen und 4-Methylsterolen in Speiseölen nach deren Anreicherung mittels SPE.
Sarah Schlag, Yvonne Bräckle, Marina Jelečević, Walter Vetter (2023):
GC/MS analysis of 4,4-dimethylsterols and 4-methylsterols in edible oils after their enrichment by means of SPE.
J. Chromatogr. A 1705: 464166 (DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2023.464166)