study of Food Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart/Hohenheim
diploma thesis at the Institute of Food Chemistry
Studienpreis (Science) 2012 des Universitätsbundes Hohenheim e.V. (diploma thesis)
Markus Schröder, Halima Abdurahman, Tanja Ruoff, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter (2014):
Identification of aromatic fatty acids in butter fat.
J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 91: 1695-1702 (DOI: 10.1007/s11746-014-2516-0)
Dorothee Eibler, Halima Abdurahman, Tanja Ruoff, Stefanie Kaffarnik, Herbert Steingass, Walter Vetter (2017):
Unexpected Formation of Low Amounts of (R)-Configurated anteiso-Fatty Acids in Rumen Fluid Experiments.
PoLS ONE 12 1: e0170788 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0170788)