study of Food Chemisty at the University of Hohenheim/Stuttgart
bachelor thesis at the Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology at the University of Hohenheim/Stuttgart
master thesis at the Institute of Food Chemistry at the University of Hohenheim/Stuttgart
Membership in Oganisations:
Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
47. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag
September, 17 - 19, 2018, Berlin/Germany
Marco Müller, Lis Glanz, Walter Vetter: Isolierung von Minorkomponenten aus dem Lipidbereich mittels zweidimensionaler CCC.
4th International Congress Hidden Hunger,
February, 27 - March, 01, 2019, Stuttgart Hohenheim/Germany
Katrin Sommer, Lisa Glanz, Walter Vetter: Influence of ultraviolet irradiation on the Vitamin D content in button mushrooms accountingundesired byproduct formation.
Marco Müller, Medisa Muric, Lisa Glanz, Walter Vetter (2019):
Improving the resolution of overlapping peaks by heartcut two-dimensional countercurrent chromatography with the same solvent system in both dimensions.
J. Chromatogr. A 1596: 142-151 (DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2019.03.012)