study of Food Chemisty at the University of Hohenheim/Stuttgart
bachelor thesis at the Institute of Food Chemisty at the University of Hohenheim/Stuttgart
master thesis at the Institute of Food Chemisty at the University of Hohenheim/Stuttgart
45. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag,
September, 12 - 14, 2016, Freising-Weihenstephan/Germany
Christoph Gallistl, Bianca Lok, Walter Vetter: Polyhalogenierte Schadstoffe in Spüllappen nach deren Gebrauch in Haushaltsküchen.
Arbeitstagung des Regionalverbandes Südwest der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft,
March, 07 - 08, 2017, Sigmaringen/Germany
Bianca Lok, Christoph Gallistl, Walter Vetter: Photolytischer Abbau des Flammschutzmittels Decabromdiphenylethan (DBDPE).
47. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag,
September, 17 - 19, 2018, Berlin/Germany
Alexandra Klimm, Daniela Brenner, Bianca Lok, Jannik Sprengel, Walter Vetter: Photolytische Umwandlung des Flammschutzmittels Decabromdiphenylethan (DBDPE).
Christoph Gallistl, Bianca Lok, Annika Schlienz, Walter Vetter (2017):
Polyhalogenated compounds (chlorinated paraffins, novel and classic flame retardants, POPs) in dishcloths after their regular use in households.
Sci. Total Environ. 595: 303-314 (DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.217)
Walter Vetter, Bianca Lok, Annika Schlienz, Marco Müller (2018):
Thorough study of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and halogenated natural products in sperm whale blubber through preparative sample cleanup followed by fractionation with countercurrent chromatography.
J. Chromatogr. A 1565: 114-123 (DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2018.06.037)
Alexandra Klimm, Daniela Brenner, Bianca Lok, Jannik Sprengel, Kerstin Krätschmer, Walter Vetter (2019):
Photolytic transformation products of decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE).
Environ. Sci. Technol. 53: 6302-6309 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b01231)
„Dioxin 2016”, 36th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, August, 31 - September, 05, 2016, Florence/Italy
Walter Vetter, Christoph Gallistl, Bianca Lok, Annika Schlienz:
Kitchen stories: Polyhalogenated compounds in dishcloths after regular use in households.